Physical therapy is a treatment method that can help you recover from an injury. At Coastal Wellness Centers, our team of experts have years of experience in delivering quality chiropractic care and healing services. We can help you get your life back on track after an injury.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy in Coral Springs:

Physical therapy isn't just about giving people the chance to heal--it's also about helping them regain range of motion, recover from tears and strains, and get back into the world without pain. If you're interested in physical therapy in Coral Springs, you need to find someone who can give you a specialized program. With the right program, you can make the most of all the benefits that physical therapy has to offer. To learn more about why physical therapy may be beneficial to you, keep reading!

Physical therapy is a healthcare profession Therapist near me that involves the treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions through physical methods such as exercise, manual therapy, and other modalities. Coral Springs, a city located in the state of Florida, offers a range of physical therapy services to its residents.

Reduces Pain:

Depending on your injury, Dr. Schneider may require you to go through physical therapy. This will involve exercises that, while not always fun or comfortable, are essential in repairing joint and tissue damage. Physical therapists may use treatments like ultrasounds, electrical stimulation, and kinesiotaping to aid in restoring bodily functions, relieving pain, and helping you fully recover.

physicals therapy can help alleviate pain caused by various conditions such as arthritis, sports injuries, and chronic pain. Through exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques, physical therapists can help reduce pain and improve quality of life.

Physical therapy can also help improve mobility and range of motion. By targeting specific muscles and joints, physical therapists can help patients regain strength, flexibility, and coordination 

After surgery or an injury, physical therapy can help speed up the recovery process. By working with patients to develop a personalized treatment plan, physical therapists can help patients return to their normal activities faster.

Physical therapy can also help prevent future injuries by identifying areas of weakness and developing exercises and stretches to strengthen those areas. This can be especially beneficial for athletes and individuals with physically demanding jobs.

Improve Your Range of Motion:

If you're having trouble walking or bending over due to an injury, you may need to see a doctor to find out which physical therapy program is best for you. Dr. Schneider's physical therapy programs are designed to not only reduce the pain you feel but also improve your range of motion! To help with this improvement, a Coastal Wellness medical team member may have you perform certain movements, including stretching, strengthening, and putting an individual through a series of light mobility tests.    


Did you know that physical therapy can help people of all ages, not just the elderly? And it's not just for people who are in pain all the time. In fact, many of a physical therapist's clients come from doing regular, everyday activities or playing sports. It's not unusual for someone to sprain their ankle, tear their Achilles tendon, or injure their back while doing something simple. When this happens, people often turn to a physical therapist for help in recovering from the injury or surgery.


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